渡航先: ANSTO (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)渡航期間: 2022年12月1日―2023年4月10日
用務: GP-MS短期訪問/交換留学(Visiting research)
現地指導教員: Dr. Kirrily Rule (Instrument Scientist)
I will spend 4 months in ANSTO for the purpose of learning neutron techniques and performing my own experiment. Different from universities, ANSTO is not an education institute principally, so there is no PhD student belong to ANSTO. However, the instrument scientists could co-supervise students in universities. Before I came to ANSTO, proposals were submitted to apply beam time and instruments for my research. Luckily, I got the beamtime to carry out my experiment. And the data of this experiment will be used in my doctor thesis. Besides, I followed several experiments carried out in Taipan, and learned the knowledge of triple axis spectrometers from Dr. Kirrily. Dr. Andrew introduced me their helium-3 polarising system. It will be useful to design experiments in future and understand data with considering the effects from instruments. Since my desk is in the office of instrument scientists and guest researchers, it’s easy to have a discussion with them. In Feb, I will attend the AIP conference and give a poster presentation.
When Sendai is in a cold winter, Australia is in summer during my visiting. So, I have two summers within one year. And I had the hot Christmas, New Year, and Chinese New Year for the first time. An interesting thing is that there are a lot of wild birds and animals in the city. I can see cockatoos, Australian magpies and rainbow lorikeets just in the back yard of the house I lived in. They are cute and noisy. It’s easy to see bandicoots run along the cable at night. By the way, all of instruments in the guide hall of ANSTO are named by animals.

Triple axis spectrometer Taipan in ANSTO

cockatoos in the back yard 2023 New Year in the downtown of Sydney